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What is the current price of crypto?

They are currently trading at $0.22 (down 3.66%), $1.22 (down 3.94%), $1.03 (down 2.12%), $2.97 (down 3.85%), and $0.66 (down 2.87%), respectively. The current global crypto market cap is $885.03 billion and the total crypto market volume over the last 24 hours is $151.78 billion.

What is this Crypto price widget?

This widget allows creating real-time cryptocurrency price lists anytime using a simple shortcode. These lists can have different colors and styles, be added not only to the page but also footer or header of the site. It displays prices, price ticker, changes, market cap, volume, coin charts & real-time updates.

Where can I find real-time cryptocurrency prices?

Explore top cryptocurrencies with, where you can find real-time price, coins market cap, price charts, historical data and currency converter. Bookmark the Price page to get snapshots of the market and track nearly 3,000 coins.

What are the best sites to find crypto prices?

Coinratecap Coinratecap is another site focused on providing essential crypto information in an easy-to-read format. It offers real-time prices, market caps, 24-hour trading volumes and more for over 2,000 coins, and it allows you to view crypto prices in a huge range of fiat currencies.

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